killing lincoln – casting complete
Exec. Producers:
Ridley Scott
Tony Scott
David Zucker
Bill O’Reilly
Mary Lisio
Mark Herzog
Showrunner: Erik Jendresen
Producer: Chris Cowen
Line Producer: Larry Rapaport
Director: Adrian Moat
Writer: Erik Jendresen
Casting Directors: Erica Arvold & Anne Chapman
Casting Associate: Michelle Kelly
Casting Associate: Shannon Cain
Casting Assistant: Andrea Gaines
Start Date: July 9, 2012
Location: Richmond, VA
(Alexander Gardner) 41 yrs., an enormous Scotsman with a flowing beard. His photographs of the Civil War and President Lincoln are quite notable.
(Timothy O’Sullivan) 23 yrs., Caucasian male, handsome lad with full moustache. He worked with fellow photographer Alexander Gardner.
(William Seward) 64 yrs., Caucasian male. Lincoln’s Secretary of State. In bed recuperating from a serious carriage accident when Lewis Powell breaks in and attempts to kill him.
(Robert Todd Lincoln) 21 yrs., Captain on the staff of General Grant, oldest son of President Lincoln.
(Tad Lincoln) 11 yrs., youngest son of President Lincoln
(Frederick Seward) 34 yrs., Caucasian male. Son of Secretary of State William Seward. Fends off assassination attempt on his father. Stunt actor preferred.
(Edwin Stanton) 51 yrs., Caucasian male. Lincoln’s Secretary of War. Long flowing grey beard.
(Ulysses S. Grant) 43 yrs., Caucasian male. Commanding General of the Union Army. Trimmed dark beard, weathered looking.
(Mary Todd Lincoln) 47 yrs., Wife of Abraham Lincoln, mother to 2 living sons Tad and Robert Todd, and Willie who died 3 years previously.
(Clara Harris) 31 yrs., Caucasian female. Good friend to Mary Todd Lincoln, fiancée to Major Henry Rathbone. She and her fiancée are in the box with the Lincoln’s at Ford’s Theater when John Wilkes Booth shoots President Lincoln.
(David Herold) 32 yrs. 5’5″ Caucasian male. A conspirator with John Wilkes Booth. Escapes with Booth out of D.C. into Virginia. Surrenders and is taken prisoner at Garrett’s Farm. Is hung in front of a large crowd at the Old Arsenal Penitentiary. Horseback rider.
(Lewis Powell) 21 yrs., 6’2″ Caucasian male. Hulking frame with a Georgia drawl. A conspirator with John Wilkes Booth. Tries and fails to kill William Seward in a violent attack in Seward’s home. Is hung in front of a large crowd at the Old Arsenal Penitentiary.
(James Tanner) 21 yrs., a Corporal, double amputee, walks stiffly with prosthetics and a cane.
(Fanny Seward) 20 yrs., Caucasian female. Daughter of Secretary of State William Seward, witnesses violent assassination attempt of her father.
(Major Henry Rathbone) 28 yrs., Caucasian male. Fiancee of Clara Harris and friend of the Lincoln’s. They are in the box with them at Ford’s Theater when John Wilkes Booth shoots President Lincoln.
(Laura Keene) 39 yrs., Caucasian female. Famous stage actress, playing Florence Trenchard in Our American Cousin, at Ford’s Theater when John Wilkes Booth shoots President Lincoln.
(James McCollom) 25yrs., Caucasian male. Actor who played Richmond to John Wilkes Booth’s Richard III. Stage combat experience.
(John Ellsler) 42 yrs., Caucasian male. Manager of the Cleveland Academy of Music Theater and friend of John Wilkes Booth.
(Junius Booth, Jr.) 43 yrs., Caucasian male. Elder brother of John Wilkes Booth. We see him onstage in the role of Cassius.
(Edwin Booth) 31 yrs., Caucasian male. Elder brother of John Wilkes Booth. We see him onstage in the role of Brutus.
(John McCullough) 32 yrs., Caucasian male. Actor. We see him onstage in the role of Hemaya the Moor.
(Rear Admiral David Dixon Porter) 52 yrs., Caucasian male. Accompanies Lincoln to Richmond.
(William H. Crook) 26 yrs., Caucasian male. Lincoln’s bodyguard in Richmond.
(Henry Clay Ford) 20 yrs., Caucasian male. The youngest of the Ford brothers of Ford’s theater. He informs John Wilkes Booth that Lincoln will be attending the theater.
(James Ford) 25 yrs., Caucasian male. The second youngest of the Ford brothers of Ford’s theater. He bumps into John Wilkes Booth on the day of the assassination.
(Charles Forbes) 30-40 yrs., Caucasian male. Lincoln’s footman. He sits outside the presidential box and admits John Wilkes Booth.
(Dr. Frederick May) 52 yrs., Caucasian male. The surgeon who identifies the body of John Wilkes Booth.

(Surgeon General Joseph Barnes) 47 yrs., Caucasian male. Physician who attends to Lincoln in his final hours.
(Dr. Charles Leale) 23 yrs., Caucasian male. The first surgeon in the presidential box after the shot is fired. He attends to Lincoln and holds his hand for nine hours
(Edman Spangler) 40 yrs., Caucasian male. A stagehand at Ford’s theater later convicted of conspiracy.
(Gideon Welles) 63yrs., Caucasian male. Secretary of the Navy.
(Colonel Lafayette Baker) 39yrs., Caucasian male. Head of the National Detective Police.
(General Christopher Augur) 44yrs., Caucasian male. Attends Lincoln at Petersen boardinghouse and calls for a shorthand expert.
(George Atzerodt) 29yrs., Caucasian male. Assigned by John Wilkes Booth to kill Vice President Johnson. German accent.
(Peter Taltavul) 39yrs., Caucasian male. Owner of the Star Saloon next to Ford’s Theater.
(Lieutenant Luther Baker) 36yrs., Caucasian male. Member of the National Detective Police who hunts down Booth.
(Lieutenant Colonel Everton Conger) 31yrs., Caucasian male. Another of the National Detective Police who hunt down Booth.
(Lieutenant Edward Doherty) 25yrs., Caucasian male. Commanding officer of the troopers of the 16th New York Cavalry who hunt down Booth.
(Boston Corbett) 33yrs., Caucasian male. Sergeant, 16th New York Cavalry, who kills John Wilkes Booth.
(Samuel Cox) 46yrs., Caucasian male. Confederate agent who aids Booth.
(Thomas Jones) 45yrs., Caucasian male. Confederate agent who helps Booth & Herold to cross the Potomac.
(Dr. Samuel Mudd) 33yrs., Caucasian male. Confederate agent who sets Booth’s broken leg.
(Reverend Phineas Gurley) 50yrs., Caucasian male. Delivers a prayer over Lincoln’s body.
(Augustus Seward) 38yrs., Caucasian male. Frederick Seward’s older brother.
(William Withers) 29yrs., Caucasian male. Orchestra conductor at Ford’s Theater.
(William Bell) 20s., African American male. The short “colored servant” who works at the home of William Seward. Tries to block the entrance of Lewis Powell who tries to assassinate Seward in his bead.
(J.L. DeBonay) 17 yrs., works in theatre as a prompter, guides Booth under stage.
(William Flood) 20’s, Caucasian male. Young Naval Officer, son of a family friend of President Lincoln.
(Thespians) 25-50 yrs., Caucasian males, classically trained actors, stage combat certified (rapier & dagger).
(Old Slave) 60s-70s, African American male. Newly freed slave who drops to one knee at the sight of Abraham Lincoln walking through the devastated streets of Richmond, Virginia.
(Oswell Swann) 40s, African American male. A free black man who unknowingly leads John Wilkes Booth through the Zekiah Swamp to the Cox Farm. Confirms the news to Booth that President Lincoln has died. Horseback rider.
(Mary O’Melia) 42 yrs., Irish housekeeper at the White House of the Confederacy who meets President Lincoln when he visits Richmond.
(Wilson Horner) Caucasian male. Conducts members of the Baltimore Glee Club at the Consecration of the National Cemetery at Gettysburg.
(David Bachrach) 18 yrs., a young Jewish photographer
(Soldiers) 20s, Caucasian males. Young Union Soldiers.
(Officers) 20s-60, Caucasian male. Military Officers. Horseback riding and military and/or nautical experience a plus.
(Doctors) 20s-50s, Caucasian males. Various doctors treating President Lincoln and John Wilkes Booth.
STORY LINE – “Killing Lincoln” chronicles the events, the conspiracy and the intrigue that lead to the assassination of Abraham Lincoln by the actor John Wilkes Booth.
**We use Breakdown Services and Actors’ Access as well as the following submission process; please ONLY submit once, whether here or through those services
Please send your resume AND a current candid photo from shoulders up which shows your current hair length/facial hair to klincolncasting©gmail•com (copy the resume into the body of the mail, do not worry about formatting). Please include your headshot as well. Please also include ALL the following information at the top of your email submission IN THIS ORDER to be considered:
- First and Last Name:
- City and State:
- Union status (SAG-AFTRA or not):
- Role(s) submitting for:
- Age or age range:
- Height:
- Weight:
- Hair color:
- Eye color:
- Cell phone number:
- Agent, if any:
- Agent’s phone number and email address, if applicable:
- Availability for shoot dates of July 9th to end of July (FULL AVAIL or explain):
- If not cast in a speaking role, are you willing to be a paid extra (YES or NO):
- Are you a local hire to Richmond, VA (YES or NO):
Please answer the below only if any of these apply to your background/skills:
Are you comfortable on/in a boat (YES or NO)?
Horseback riding skills (describe):
Sword/stage combat skills (describe):
Stunt background/skills (describe):
Medical knowledge/background (describe):
Photographic knowledge/background (describe) :
Musical instrument(s) played (instrument, skill level):
If you have been cast in previous Civil War era projects, list all films/roles:
For males only, please answer ALL the following:
Current facial hair (please describe and attach candid photo):
Current head hair (please describe and attach candid photo):
Rate/ability of hair growth by July (describe):
Scottish accent (YES or NO):
Dutch accent (YES or NO):
German accent (YES of NO):
Please put the following SUBJECT HEADING for your submission (personalized to YOU):
For example:
Jessica Smith, MARY LINCOLN
**Union and non-union actors will be considered for this feature film.
**Talent agency and direct actor submissions are accepted.
We will be having auditions (live and/or virtual) by invitation ONLY. Submitting does not automatically get you an audition, but does get you considered for one. Because of the large amount of submissions expected, we are only able to respond to those submissions we select for auditions, but we very much appreciate your interest!
Thank you!