5 helpful tips for being cast in a period piece

You want to be cast in a period piece? Here are 5 tips.

1. Be average in stature and thin in size. People were smaller in the past, and often had little food during wartime. And the authentic costumes, including uniforms and dresses, are often on the smaller side.

2. Do not whiten your teeth, have braces or have colored/processed looking hair. These are modern day phenomena that stand out like sore thumbs in period pieces.

3. Accents, dialects and understanding language must be innate. Not only must you be able learn accents and dialects quickly but you must also be able to perform them in any audition. Really, if you can do a perfect British accent (weather it be RP or otherwise), it must be able to fool a British director who just arrived in the states. Most actors who book period pieces have studied and perfected their accents & dialects well before an audition. Start studying and perfecting NOW.

4. Celebrate your unique character traits. Character faces, bulbous noses, unique skin tones, scars and such should not be covered with make up but rather celebrated as character. And, period pieces often take place during wartime tragedy. If you are missing a finger, a limb, an eye, or have a profound limp when walking, this is unique and sometimes a much needed visual on screen.

5. Long, natural hair for all, facial hair for men and unplucked eyebrows for women are, in general, greatly desired. Depending on the period it is usually easier for the hair/makeup department to cut or shave than add. Keep it growing if you can, until told otherwise.

BONUS: If you love history and are willing to research and dive into the specifics of the period, wonderful! Do know the facts, but, remember to accept the artistic interpretation of the project as well!

Happy Independence Day!